Saturday, March 26, 2011

Walking on Egg Shells

This can be the scenario from time to time in the home of the Pastor on a Saturday night...  and probably for most other PW's on Sunday mornings.  My husband is out of the house before my eyes are even open on Sunday mornings... which is probably good for the both of us:), but I remember the mornings before we held 5 services where I'd go to them all, and Sunday mornings could be the worst day of the week for our family, for our marriage.  Everything goes wrong,  the kids fight, we're running late, clothes needed aren't cleaned ironed, and of course when we get into the family car (aka my car) the gas light is on... all minor stupid things on any other day... but not this day.  It took YEARS for us to get it, MAYBE just maybe there was something going on here?  Something bigger than our imperfections & short comings... something spiritual. I now understand this about our life, and on this day when sometimes the "tone" isn't just as I think I deserve, or he's not as attentive to me, or leaves a mess of books lying around... I LET IT GO! I understand that his heart is heavy for the task that lies ahead and I KNOW that he is such an amazing man of God, husband, and father! So... I choose to pray for him instead & help to carry the burden, I try to tend to the needs of the house & our 3 children, and to help him get to bed Saturday night or out the door  Sunday morning as peacefully as possible.   The REAL truth is that 9 out of 10 weekends I get this right~ TONIGHT was the unfortunate exception.  Luckily we salvaged the day, and he'll head out the door in the morning knowing that his heart not be heavy about what is waiting at home for him at the end of the day!  His heart is freed up to love God's people & lead HIS church!

1 comment:

  1. Making Sundays peaceful is a challenge of mine. My husband is out the door too before I get out. This past Sunday anything and everything was working against us, but I refused to let Satan win. It was a victory in Christ that kept me sane and joyful in all the chaos of the day.
